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hello!! my name is connor, i'm a syshost and introject. i have four sources, kaworu nagisa from evangelion, vincent fennell from hello charlotte: heaven's gate, l from death note, and aira shiratori from ensemble stars. i like lots of games and music, and i wanted to create a fun little page to share my interests and thoughts. i don't identify as a human, but i am bodily 18. i have a lovely boyfriend who i've been dating since october 2nd, 2020. i really hope you enjoy my little page!! its a wip, but i put a lot of effort into it.

this is my first entry in here! its going to be pretty short since i'm still actively working on the website, but i'm having a lot of fun making all this. it's been pretty challenging, and i still feel like i could be doing things much more effectively, but the way i'm doing it will work for now. my visit to para's house is in 9 days! i'm so excited, i really can't wait.

reading !

i just started reading flowers for algernon, which i really like so far. i haven't been reading much in a while, so it feels good to get back into it! i also got no longer human for christmas, so i'm going to start reading that... at some point. i have a lot of books lined up to read.

music !

i CAN NOT stop listening to no thoughts, head empty, by tape girl. it's so catchy its crazy, i seriously love it.

games !

shows/video !

me and para just started playing disco elysium! its really fun, and i'm really enjoying it. i love kim, he's definitely my favorite character so far. the worldbuilding is so interesting, and the lore is so expansive that i feel like i could read about it for hours and not even scratch the surface.
i have been watching a lot of paludarium videos recently. i like seeing them get put together, and more importantly- i LOVE the little fish and critters that go in them.